Electronic Dance Music

Factory Beats
The site with news about the Electronic Dance Music (EDM): Music, Videos, Pictures, Sounds, and other little things related with the scene.

Anna of the North - Oslo (Official Video)

There’s something rather otherworldly about Anna of the North, she has a graceful demeanor that makes you feel lucky to be in her presence. Her quiet confidence has got her far with a career in graphic design and the production of a stream of visually stunning and vocally arresting music videos.

Perhaps Anna’s small town upbringing has provided the grounding for her success. Having come into our consciousness with debut track “Oslo”, we’ve been addicted to her dreamy Scandipop sound ever since. We manage to pin both her and her producer Brady down in Shoreditch.

I was studying in Oslo then I worked at this clothing store as a manager and I just remember standing there like “Oh my God. I need to experience something more.” I wasn’t really into travelling, I had a boyfriend and my life was really good but I just remember I felt there was something that needed to go away. When I first arrived in Melbourne, I remember standing at the airport and everything was so huge and I didn’t know where I was. I brought my guitar and there are so many new experiences for meeting so many people. Being homesick inspires you to be more creative. I met some of Brady’s friends and I played some guitar for them at a pre-party then went to see his show. It’s a bit of a cliché story. ~Anna Lotterud

‘Oslo’ on Spotify: http://found.ee/oslospotify
'Oslo' on iTunes: http://found.ee/osloitunes
‘Oslo’ on Apple Music: http://found.ee/osloapple

Connect with Anna of the North:

Facebook: http://found.ee/annafacebook
Twitter: http://found.ee/annatwitter
Instagram: http://found.ee/annainsta
Soundcloud: http://found.ee/annasoundcloud
Anna of the North - Oslo (Official Video) : #House #EDM #POP #DaHouse #HouseMusic #HouseNation #HDVideo #GoodMood #GoodVibes #ProgresiveHouse #Video #YouTube
Anna of the North - Oslo (Official Video)