Electronic Dance Music

Factory Beats
The site with news about the Electronic Dance Music (EDM): Music, Videos, Pictures, Sounds, and other little things related with the scene.

The Magician : "SHY" (feat. Brayton Bowman)

Here is the new single SHY featuring the amazing Brayton Bowman on the vocals. Radio edit and Club mix Available from May 2nd via @potionrecords on all portals.

Out on POTION Records : https://www.soundcloud.com/potionrecords
The Magician : https://www.facebook.com/themagicianmusic
Brayton Bowman : https://www.braytonbowman.com
Video Director : Bob Jeusette : https://www.bobjeusette.com
Video Production : CAVIAR : https://www.caviarcontent.com