Electronic Dance Music

Factory Beats
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Whethan - Love Gang (feat. Charli XCX)

Whethan is the moniker of Chicago producer Ethan Snoreck, and he’s signed to Atlantic Records just like Charli XCX, and the two of them have teamed up for a new single called “Love Gang,” which features Charli on peppy vocals singing over Whethan’s warm beat. It’s pretty disposable, but also kinda fun! Listen Now. Review By Stereogun

Whethan - love gang (feat. Charli XCX) available now!
Stream/Download: https://BigBeat.lnk.to/lvegngID

Follow Whethan
Website: http://whethan.com/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/whethanmusic/
TW: https://twitter.com/whethanmusic
IG: https://www.instagram.com/whethanmusic/
SC: https://soundcloud.com/whethan

Follow Charli XCX
Website: http://xcx.world/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/charlixcxmusic
TW: https://twitter.com/charli_xcx
IG: https://www.instagram.com/charli_xcx/
SC: https://soundcloud.com/charlixcx

Kevin Tkach: Director and Editor - @tictkach21
Madison Todd: Art Direction - @madisonatodd
Mitchell Zemil: Animator
Derec Dunn: Producer
Ben Potter: Assistant Camera - @BenPotter___
Katie Bennet: Art Assistant  - @__KatieBennet