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Katy Perry - Hey Hey Hey (Official Video)

With a little help from powerful women of history and cinema, Katy Perry’s Witness era continues at long last.

The pop superstar debuted the candy-colored clip for her latest album’s third single, “Hey Hey Hey,” Wednesday, taking the already-bonkers visual opus of her most recent LP one step further as she channels the aesthetic of Sofia Coppola’s 2006 film Marie Antoinette and the spirit of French heroine Joan of Arc.

Much like Coppola’s cult favorite, Perry’s new music video sees its star decked in period costumes with a contemporary twist (peep the metal-inspired Mozart t-shirt from the first scene), opening with the singer being awakened by the sound of a royal court’s early morning horn — similar to how Kirsten Dunst, who played the Austrian-born French royal in Coppola’s production, wakes in the film.

Perry then adorns fashions that ooze Versailles elegance, complete with towering wigs and pastel patterns. The plush paradise is not what it initially seems, however, as Perry is courted by a sleazy king who makes unwanted advances on her. Cut to Perry as a rainbow-tinged version of Joan of Arc, who — you guessed it — lets her backup dancers eat cake.

The video closes as the scorned king has Perry beheaded for not returning his affections, though Katy of Arc crashes the party to avenge her fallen sister’s death.  Review Found On EW

Get "Hey Hey Hey" from Katy's new album 'Witness': http://katy.to/WitnessYd
WITNESS: The Tour tickets available now! https://www.katyperry.com/tour

Directed by Isaac Rentz
Produced by Nina Dluhy-Miller & Danny Lockwood
Music video by Katy Perry performing Hey Hey Hey (C) 2017 Capitol Records