Electronic Dance Music

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The site with news about the Electronic Dance Music (EDM): Music, Videos, Pictures, Sounds, and other little things related with the scene.

J. Balvin, Willy William - Mi Gente (Alesso Remix)

After the great reception his ‘Something Just Like This‘ remix received, Alesso has returned with another spectacular remix. This time, he has given ‘Mi Gente‘ by J.Balvin and Willy William his own unique twist.

Alesso has recently stepped away from his progressive house roots to experiment with different styles, which has been met by a mixed response from fans. His bass house-inspired track, ‘Move Like That‘ made its debut during his Ultra Music Festival Miami set, and later on was released for free download. His newest remix takes a more tribal approach, drawing inspiration from tracks such as ‘Café Leche‘ and ‘Elephant Rage‘ by WILL K, both of which he also played during his Ultra Miami set.

Despite his adaptation in style, the tracks that made him haven’t been forgotten. His iconic progressive house track ‘Years‘, recently turned 5 years old, while his ‘Silenced By The Night‘ remix also turned 5 years old earlier this year. Alesso continues to experiment with new styles, pushing boundaries within electronic music. While he has faced some criticism for developing his style, he continues to prove that he can excel within any of the sub-genres.

J. Balvin, Willy William - Mi Gente (Alesso Remix)

Instagram | http://instagram.com/Alesso
Snapchat | http://snapchat.com/add/alesso
Twitter | http://twitter.com/Alesso
Facebook | http://facebook.com/AlessoOfficial

YouTube | https://youtube.com/jbalvinVEVO
Instagram | https://instagram.com/jbalvin
Twitter | https://twitter.com/JBALVIN
Facebook | https://facebook.com/JBalvinOficial

Nick DeMoura | https://instagram.com/nickdemoura

Shots Studios Channels:
Lele Pons | http://youtube.com/c/lelepons
Anwar Jibawi | http://youtube.com/c/anwar
Inanna Sarkis | http://youtube.com/c/inanna
Rudy Mancuso | http://youtube.com/c/rudymancuso
Hannah Stocking | http://youtube.com/c/hannahstocking
Anitta | http://youtube.com/c/anitta
Alesso | https://youtube.com/c/alesso
Mike Tyson | http://youtube.com/c/miketyson
Awkward Puppets | http://youtube.com/c/awkwardpuppets
Shots Studios | http://youtube.com/c/shots