Electronic Dance Music

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Vessels - Mobilise (Official Video)

With their new album ‘The Great Distraction’ due on 29th September via Different Recordings, Vessels have aired another cut from the LP.

Following on from ‘Radiart’ and ‘Deflect The Light’ (which featured none other than The Flaming Lips), they’ve now unveiled the opening track to the album, ‘Mobilise’.

Speaking about ‘Mobilise’ to XLR8R the band said: “’Mobilise’ feels like the heart of the album and the band. It has an energy that captures everything we’re about with its locking polyrhythms and sense of yearning - full hope and melancholy. We definitely get the shivers when we play it live, and the bliss out section in the middle is a highlight of the set”.

will also indeed be mobilising themselves when they head out across the UK in support of ‘The Great Distraction’ in September and October. Kicking off in Leeds, they’ll be off to Brighton, London, Manchester, Cardiff and Glasgow. Tickets are on sale now. Review Found on DIY Magazine

‘Mobilise’ is taken from Vessels’ 2017 album ‘The Great Distraction’, out 29th September.

Buy / Stream ‘Mobilise’: http://found.ee/vesselsmobilise

‘The Great Distraction’ is out now: http://found.ee/thegreatdistraction

Connect with Vessels:
Facebook: http://found.ee/vesselsfb
Twitter: http://found.ee/vesselstw
Instagram: http://found.ee/vesselsinsta
Bandcamp: http://found.ee/vesselsbc
Official Site: http://www.vesselsband.com/

Video Credits
Director - Alexander Darby
DoP - Kedirych Wasley
Editor - Mike Radforth
Colourist - Pete Oppersdorff