“Chipa-Lipa” is an energetic progressive number with an undoubtedly catchy chorus and topline. Accompanying the release is a music video directed by Evgeny Kuritsyn (director of legendary duo TATU : “Not Gonna Get Us” and “All The Things She Said”) and showcases a men's soccer team who eventually learn a new dance routine from a young girl.
Swanky Tunes & The Parakit - Chipa Lipa (Official Video)
“Chipa-Lipa” is an energetic progressive number with an undoubtedly catchy chorus and topline. Accompanying the release is a music video directed by Evgeny Kuritsyn (director of legendary duo TATU : “Not Gonna Get Us” and “All The Things She Said”) and showcases a men's soccer team who eventually learn a new dance routine from a young girl.