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Halsey - Bad At Love (Official Music Video)

Bad at Love” is a song by American electropop artist Halsey featured on her second studio album Hopeless Fountain Kingdom. Bad at Love has been announced by Halsey on her Twitter account as the second single of the album. It will impact the pop radio on August 22.

On the track, Bad At Love, Halsey goes through a list of her different lovers and what went wrong in their relationship. With each one, she thought they were “the one” and could “fix her,” but it went wrong for various reasons. From her history of dating, she concludes that she is ‘bad at love’.

Her list of lovers include both men and women indicating at her bisexuality, which is a running theme throughout the album.

“Bad at Love” appears on Halsey’s album “hopeless fountain kingdom”

buy hfk tour tickets: http://www.hfktour.com
listen to "Bad at Love" on Apple Music: http://www.iamhalsey.com/insidemyhead...
listen to “Bad at Love” on Spotify: http://www.iamhalsey.com/insidemyhead
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order album on iTunes: http://www.iamhalsey.com/hfkitunes
save hopeless fountain kingdom on Spotify: http://www.iamhalsey.com/hfkpresave
order deluxe edition CD on Target.com: http://www.iamhalsey.com/hfktarget
order Urban Outfitters exclusive red-splattered clear vinyl: http://www.iamhalsey.com/hfkuovinyl

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Spotify: http://www.iamhalsey.com/spotify
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Directors: Sing J Lee & Halsey
Producers: Whitney Jackson, PJ Sodaski & Targa Sahyoun
Music video by Halsey performing Bad At Love. (C) 2017 Astralwerks