Electronic Dance Music

Factory Beats
The site with news about the Electronic Dance Music (EDM): Music, Videos, Pictures, Sounds, and other little things related with the scene.

North Elements feat. Krystale - Persuasion [Official Music]

"The winters in northern Poland can be particularly unforgiving. Granted, there’s a lot about the country that still smacks of the austere, but on this wintry night, The Bearded Man wasn’t too worried about keeping icicles from growing on his lengthy whiskers. He had shacked up for the night (week?) and was trying to shake a cold that just wouldn’t quit. Outside, the humid air coming off the Baltic Sea certainly wasn’t doing anyone any favors, and inside, a small space heater struggled to augment an archaic but happy-go-lucky stove heater. Despite the unfortunate conditions, The Bearded Man remained happy, calm, and filled with an inner warmth. He spooned in plenty of thick zurek and gulped down some of the most delicious golabki he had ever encountered. Of course, he chased each delicious bite with plenty of Zubrówka and continued to have some pretty incredible discussions with Northerns Element and Krystale. That’s why, to this day, whenever they encounter one another, they always yell “Zubrówka!" and laugh about their crazy adventures in days gone by."

We leave the audio file, North Elements feature Krystale - Persuasion, direct from soundcloud.