Electronic Dance Music

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Raving George feat. Oscar And The Wolf - You're Mine (DJ Antonio & Astero Remix)

DJ Antonio and Astero added some extra rhythmic flavors to Raving George and Oscar and the Wolf’s moody tune You’re Mine. The guitar riff sets the tone, followed by the laidback groove and original vocals from Oscar and the Wolf. Ready to make it yours?

Raving George feat. Oscar And The Wolf - You're Mine (DJ Antonio & Astero Remix) is OUT NOW on Spinnin' Deep! Like this track? Download on Beatport or add it to your favourite Spotify/Apple Music playlist by clicking HERE: https://spinnindeep.lnk.to/YoureMineDJAstoniaAndAsteroRemix!YT
Join our Spinnin' Records Top 100 Playlis: https://spinninrecords.lnk.to/top100!YT